PO Box 4044,Wilmington,NC 28406

National Weather Office Update

As the year moves on, so does the Skywarn program. Rick KD4JRX, Tim KE4EDU, And, Glenn KE4BMY, have been involved with the National Weather Service Forecast office in upgrading the HF radio equipment. Also the NWSFO is Installing a new dual band antenna on their local tower at the office. Much thanks goes out to Emergency Management for the donation of the dual band antenna for the tower. As this is not enough the NWSFO office is being re-arranged and office space will be moved around, as well as much of the interior equipment as well. All this will be done hopefully in time for the Hurricane season on June 1st. Rick, Tim and Glenn, will give some assistance to the technicians when they need it. Then after all is said and done we can expect the same good weather reports that we have come to moan and groan about over the years. Enjoy the weather, it’s the only weather we have. Glenn M. Cox KE4BMY AEC Skywarn